SPONSOR one of our events!
2/2/2025 Sunday:
Lunar New Year Celebration
4/20/2025 Sunday:
SPRING on Solano
6/14/2025 Saturday NIGHT 5-9pm:
SUMMER on Solano
9/14/2025 Sunday:
Solano Avenue Stroll
10/31/2025 Friday:
Halloween on Solano
(Three weekends):
Santa on Solano
12/7/2025 Sunday:
WINTER on Solano
2026 Event Schedule: we will announce our 2026 event line-up in the fall of 2025, please stay tuned!
Want to Apply to Participate?
- Event Sponsorship
- Solano Avenue Stroll
- Entertainers, seasonal events
- Application, seasonal events (visiting vendors)
- On-Solano Avenue Businesses, Quarterly Events
We encourage you to Eat, Shop, Play and Live on Solano Avenue.
The SAA are proud Sponsors of the Albany FilmFest.
Are you an off-Solano Avenue organization or promoter?
Thank you for choosing Solano Avenue for your event / program.
(Please see the Events Matrix below)
Using a vacant storefront for art / decor; demonstrations and other uses:
01 Most property owners will want an insurance certificate for use.
02 Most of the time, the agents representing the property owners wont give you the time of day unless you want to sign a lease 🙁
03 Some property owners avoid the subject; their response is typically “we are just about to rent the property” or “it won’t be vacant long enough to consider such a project”. A vacant building isn’t always available – especially if there is no signage on the front.
04 Believe it or not (regarding art in windows) property owners will sometimes express concerns around “smash and grab” type of criminal activity… they feel anything but a vacant property makes them targets (and a vacant property says “I’m available” versus the confusion with having “stuff” inside).
05 Some have expressed concerns around electricity and utility usage.
We do not want to rain on your parade and are still standing-by to help. We encourage you to contact the landowners and their agents directly; whereas such a personal appeal may help your cause. If there is no phone number on the window, it probably is not available for use.
Production Team Notes:
Solano Avenue Stroll proposed parameters include:
- 10-19 spaces, 30 percent discount**
- 20-29 space, 40 percent discount**
- 30 and more, 50 percent discount**
** We are using the prior year’s Legacy Crafter rate ($200 in 2022)
- Insurance for food service and hands-on activities only
- Can include performance slots (up to six, one hour blocks)